R Ming

3 years ago

Danny Devito: "I want you to hang up, call me back...

Danny Devito: "I want you to hang up, call me back, and say the exact opposite of what you just said." Sooo...Auckland buses are frequent, reliable, and efficient; drivers are friendly; bus fares are inexpensive.....
I've had an experience of being threatened by a thuggish driver who made sure that I was alone on the bus. While we were making a report at the police station, another family came in who had been run off the road by a different bus driver.
Many, many times, the ferry buses fail to pick up their passengers. Apparently it's known as a "drop 'n' run". The bus may disgorge its passengers who are travelling by ferry across to town; but it will fail to wait for the disembarking ferry passengers. Actually that's not so bad. About 15-20% of the time, you're waiting at the ferry terminal for a connecting bus that doesn't bother to show up at all.
When you make a complaint about any of this stuff on the athop customer service line, they are polite at all times, god bless 'em. But nothing ever changes. Travelling by public transport in Auckland, especially buses; well it's a cr*pshoot really. And you need convenience, efficiency and reliability. Otherwise it's just less hassle to take the car.


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