Tiffany Nicol

3 years ago

I went to the ER last night with severe pain in my...

I went to the ER last night with severe pain in my head and neck. I sat in the overcrowded waiting room for over an hour, took a urine sample and had to hold my urine sample for half an hour before I was called back into a room. I finally got a room and waiting over 30 minutes just to see a nurse. 30 minutes after that I was seen by a doctor who said my headache was due to the bulging disc in my neck and left. 30 minutes after that a nurse came in and gave me 3 medications in my iv, one was benadryl. She said dont fight sleep and left. Benadryl for a bulging disc and a migraine??? Really??? Right before I fell into a deep sleep, i heard the nurses in the hallway talking about a "cocktail" they were giving patients with two other medications and benadryl. I woke up very groggy two hours later and was sent home. No medications were prescribed to me. I came home and fell into a deep sleep and when i woke up this morning i was hurting badly. Ive dealt with the pain all day but its night time and the pain is really bad. I called and spoke with some administrator and she said she would "make a note of it". What is wrong with these people??? How many "cocktails" did they administer last night and how many people are now in pain because they werent treated properly???


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