
4 years ago

Sunday April 30 2017 930pm MAMMO HOSP IN BOROUGH P...

Sunday April 30 2017 930pm MAMMO HOSP IN BOROUGH PARK BKLYN....my wife came in 930pm to ER with severe pain from what I believe is mrsa infection. Wife waited until 430am until a MDRESident doctor actually saw her. That's more then 3 hours waiting with no one given her pain med or anything! The asian doctor had walked from across another room treating another patient came in the room to do minor surgery to drain my wife puss filled infected lessions wearing the same latex gloves that she wore treating another patient!!! Treated my wife in a room that had not been used in a long time and was being used as temp storage instead!! Room was extremely dusty, cluttered with wheel chairs and other medical things! We had been to this hosp before and knew of how bad it was but it had been a few years back and thought it had perhaps changed. We were nearby and so we decided to try our luck in hopes the hosp had made changes for the better since the last time we had visited.. They definetely made changes....To the outside of their hosp building THOUGH BUT NOT TO THEIR SERVICE PRACTICES!!! STAY FAR AWAY FROM THIS HOSP!! YOU BEEN WARNED!!!! I read all the reviews just now and I definetely agree with everyone who gave it a one star because it is very true!!


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