3 years ago

This is a great school, don't let the negative rev...

This is a great school, don't let the negative reviews deter you from attending. I highly recommend that you do your research on your future CAREER rather than your Major. Most students make the mistake of picking out a major with no idea how much work it entails nor any idea of the career paths that emerge from that major. Plan effectively, think of the career you want and plan your academics to get you to that goal.

Additionally, yes classes may be hard to get sometimes, but if you plan out your course schedule every quarter and have a back up in the case that you can't get a specific course it won't even be a critical issue for you.

One last note, please do not come into an office and yell at the staff. I currently work here and people do that constantly. Do you expect someone to help you right away if you just chewed them out for 15 minutes? Please be polite, and understanding that some of your issues may involve some complexities take some time to work through for a resolution that would please you.


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