
3 years ago

We have been customers for 20 years and while we h...

We have been customers for 20 years and while we have had no direct issues with PUD indirectly we have been unhappy with PUD as a whole for a very long time. Granted they do very well with maintaining outages, what we do disagree with is the greatly bloated cost of getting power through PUD.

They are only a service provider since they do not create any power themselves and only maintain their grid, yet they have managed to inflate our bills with their failed and corrupt business deals, complete incompetence in bargaining ability, and their serverly bloated paychecks that are sucking up the revenue.

From the front desk clerk to the very top they are all insanely overpaid especially in the given demographic.

The commissioners satisfy their own personal interests with things they pass in vote.

I know personally several PUD workers and they all admittedly and even gloat about the massive salaries they make.

All of this is done in the name of publicly owned and controlled entity, yeah right. Anything presented to the so called commissioners fall on def ears. This is a monarchy.


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