3 years ago

I have a background in PR. When you see these many...

I have a background in PR. When you see these many amazing reviews, multiples and former staff and people with working relationships with the firm, its obvious you wind up getting a very skewed review. I can't fairly suggest that they initiated and asked for these reviews. But we all know it happens with other companies.
I was in a car accident. I initially met the principals, who fill you with confidence and I heard the phrase "millions of dollars "many times from Elliot. Many lofty assertations. After I met the senior people I was assigned to a very junior inexperienced person and never saw them ever again. . I was told by the new junior paralegal (he wasn't even a lawyer) that due to the severity of my injuries I could get assistance at home. I physically couldn't even do dishes. I hired a cleaning service. When I submitted my claim, after accumulating significant costs, I was told "sorry, we can't do that". I was in a position where I already had to decide between, food, and medications.as I was already on disability. Whenever I tried to communicate with the firm I never got a reply. I kept finding out I had a brand new very junior person who knew nothing about my file. And I started all over many times. Turnover was VERY high there. This can be an indicator of internal problems. I went almost a year before any meaningful communication. My only hope for any communication was the receptionist, who basically served as my primary contact. She was very kind, helpful and apologetic. She did what she could. Weeks before my court date I was asked if I'd settle for a lower amount, around $60k. I figured, at least the firm is talking to me now , I'll cut my losses and agree. Two days later I was told I needed to come in " RIGHT NOW" ! As I needed to sign a form prior to the court date. I said that's great, but I was having serious mobility issues and couldn't come in. And I live hours from Toronto. I had everyone trying to collect from me as I was off work. This, even as a much lower amount was still a Godsend. I had so much pressure put on me to sign it right now. I asked why it had to be right now? Elliot said because he was giving me an opportunity to work with another lawyer? I was so completely taken off guard and surprised. I thought we were settling. I said I have a court case coming up, what am I supposed to do? I was told it was no big deal and I didn't have to worry about it. I said I didn't want to sign it, it leaves me in a bad spot. This time I was told I didn't have any choice and this could be very difficult for me and i must comply. So much pressure was put on me, he even asked me to stay, he was making his receptionist drive right away to get that signature. I tried to find another lawyer but there wasn't enough time and I was physically in a bad position I spoke to the defense, the insurance company Ambridge was suing. They were much more helpful than Ambridge. They informed me that someone in fact should show up to court. I was told by Ambridge not to worry about it. I had no option at that point but to show up to court by myself. It's not my world, I was as prepared as any layperson would be. Not at all. It was a horrible position to be put in. The judge tore a strip off me , basically yelled and berated, held up the paper and said, I agreed and I signed the release with the law firm and I'm totally not prepared to legally present my case and ye fined me $2,200. 00 for wasting the courts time. The lawyer of my insurance Co. who we were supposedly suing, tried to defend me even, saying I was put in a very unfair situation. Basically what happened was State Farm put up some resistance. So I got dumped. I suppose there are claims that are really easy to process that a junior could handle. I noticed only one, 1 star review and they were hoping to get some specific details of why the reviewer felt very dissatisfied. So I thought I'd comply with that request and add specifics. Hope it helps


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