Ada Purcar

4 years ago

Horrible Horrible Horrible.

Horrible Horrible Horrible.
My outlets in my kitchen, garage, and outside don't work. And I assumed, "hey maybe I should talk to the city utilities to come check it out."
Well, I called them, 3 times. And each time I spoke to a different person. ALL THREE people were rude and useless. The first woman I spoke to said someone should come over in an hour and check them out.
2 hours passed, no one showed up.
So I called again, the next woman I spoke to was SUPER rude. And by the way, her name was Brenda. Such a rude woman. She seriously spoke to me like I was dumb, and she kept questioning my call, for example she kept saying things like, "what are you talking about?" Or "Are you sure you're calling the right company?" Or "Are you sure you're allowed to call me?" Cause I live with my parents.... I'm not a child ma'am. Also, it's not my fault the outlets don't work. She said "we do not deal with outlets, as long as electricity is in the house, our job is done." Wrong. If I don't have electricity running through EVERY SINGLE OUTLET IN THIS HOUSE, then no, your job is NOT done. Actually, you failed your job. Cause I'm paying for the bill, there better be electricity running. Everywhere. She was rude and not helpful whatsoever.
So I called again, and I spoke to a man, the man on the phone said he would have a guy come help me out as soon as they figure out their shift change... no one came. At all.
I wasn't as mad about it at first cause I saw that the outlets outside were the only ones acting up, but now it's the garage outlets, and all the food in my freezer, in my garage, is spoiled cause there is no electricity flow. Now I can't even bake or cook cause the outlets in my kitchen don't work. And I went through ALL the hassle to put up lights on the house for Christmas, and they don't even work. So, THANK YOU CITY UTILITIES FOR NOTHING. AND FOR DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO HELP ME.
You guys suck. Can't wait to move and get away from this lousy company.
And by the way, I should not have to call you THREE DIFFERENT TIMES to get you to do your job. That's real sad, and pathetic. And that's why you have a 1.8 stars.


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