Melissa Montoya

3 years ago

My experience was none the less overwhelming and a...

My experience was none the less overwhelming and a day i will never forget. I had long awaited my daughters arrival and the day finally came. My water had broke while at home. But it was not as dramatic as the movies make it. Anywho. Shortly after my husband and mother drove me to st joseph hospital. We arrived at 11pm and had to be admitted through the e.r. the wait from there was quick. It went downhill once in labor and delivery. I was taken into labor and delivery where they told me there were no clean rooms just yet so they place me in a room where there were multiple bed divided by curtains. In there nurse Yolanda and i will never forget her name, placed me on the monitor to show my contractions and my unborn daughters heart rate. My contractions were showing 11 minutes apart but the pain was unbearable so she went ahead and did a test that looked similar to a pregnancy test only this test tells if the membranes had ruptured meaning if my water had broke. The first test came out faint, so she went on to tell me my water bag had yet to break so she observed me another half hour. The pain was still not lightening. When she came back i told her i felt fluid and she ran another test and again said no my water bag still had not broken. She went on to tell me she notified my OB and she had gave me two options. #1 go home and wait or #2 walk around labor and delivery for 2 hours and hope contractions become closer together. I chose to walk. My husband and i walked for about 30 minutes because i could barely take the pain. As we were walking back to the bed they had placed me on, my husband saw nurse yolanda showing another nurse the test she had ran on me and my husband over heard the 2nd nurse confirm that the were both positive and my water had in fact broke. It was finally than the placed me in a delivery room. There in the delivery it got worse. Nurse yolanda went on to put an iv on my hand and failed twice bursting one of my veins. My husband became frustrated with her and saw that once my vein bursted blood started to trickle down my hand onto the floor. The nurse began to panic and rushed to clean me up. Once done she stepped out of the room and my husband came to my bedside along with my mother who too witnessed this event. My husband was furious that he fainted by my bed side and when he came to they had to take him to e.r for observation. Which he wasn't gone to long and i asked my mother to accompany him. While they were gone another nurse came in to assist in attempting to place an iv. She failed her first attempt and succeeded the 2nd time. They went on to take my blood. By then it was about 3am. Again i was still in agony. I asked nurse yolanda if i was still some way from delivery because she had yet to measure the cm. The only time she had done that was when i had first gone in at 1130pm. She went on to check and said i was at 6cm. I asked her if i can still get an epidural and she said yes! Once my blood was sent to the lab. It wasn't until about 430am that i finally got the epidural. I was in so much pain that my entire body was shaking and i some how found the strength to hold myself still to to get the epidural placed and that's that my contractions were now 2 mins apart. After that the pain was gone. I was now able to relax but than i noticed my daughter was positioned oddly in my belly and that i could barely hear her heart rate on the monitor so i let nurse yolanda know. For about half an hour she struggled to place the heart rate monitor correctly on my belly. I became worried and asked repeatedly if my daughter was okay. She wasn't too helpful assuring me. I saw her struggling. By than it was about 7am and finally another nurse walked in notifying me there was going to be a nurse shift change. I had never been more relieved in my life. It was then that my new nurse measured me and i was finally at 10cm. She notified my OB and it took my OB no more then 15mins to arrive. They prepped the room, within minutes and i began pushing at 7:32am and my daughter was out at 7:34am jan 23,2020.


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