
curry boy

3 years ago

i m not here to dunk on the quality of the care he...

i m not here to dunk on the quality of the care here. they gave my pet pain medications and fluids and were completely prepared to give him the best care possibly available and i trust in this.
the issue i have is the way i was spoken to when i admitted there was no possible way for me to afford treatment. my pets are like my family. i have severe PTSD and live alone, and sometimes my pets are quite literally the only friends i have.
when someone is in an emergency situation, you have them waiting for hours, and you slap them with a 1700 dollar quote, and they tell you there s no way you can afford it, don t tell them to open a credit card. don t try and coerce them into keeping the animal in your care. if i had 1700 dollars to spend without putting myself on the street i would have given it in a heartbeat. try a little harder to find them alternate care. now i m hundreds of dollars in the hole, stressed about one of my best friends dying and my finances, and in the meantime im having to find other options or at the very least affordable euthanasia with this guilt imposed on me, implying because i ended up in a tight financial situation in a /pandemic/ that i m not doing the absolute best i can to provide for my animal.
i know you guys are busy, i know you probably deal with clueless pet parents all the time, i know it gets exhausting but please don t forget that i and other people are humans. our finances don t dictate our love for our pets. you don t know what s happened to someone to put them in the situation they re in.
that s all i have to say on that.


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