John Lavoie

3 years ago

I have been receiving care at VTFC since spring 20...

I have been receiving care at VTFC since spring 2016 and wholeheartedly recommend their Physical Therapy care. I credit Casey Edwards specifically with guiding me from nearly going on disability to now leading a "normal" post arthritis life.

Casey has helped me in two significant areas. First, diagnosis. His testing has zeroed in on the actual problem. Instead of giving me narcotics, "rest", text-book exercises that don't fit my condition, or NSAID's he helped me go on the offense and proactively strengthen myself.

Second, adaptive training. Casey helped me change things up to fit my progress or lack thereof. That has been hugely valuable because I can always count on him helping me find exercises that I can do without pain. Then, correcting exercises that I do poorly or ones where I have imbalances.

It's worth the investment in yourself to get the correct diagnosis and treatment up front before letting injuries progress to the point where you're severely disabled. In my case unfortunately I let myself get to that point but fortunately Casey has been and continues to be there to help me untangle my mess and regain the ability to play with my kids, drive my car, and swim fast...three of my favorite things!

One more aspect of VTFC I will commend is that of their collaboration. Having been to the office for treatments many dozens of times I have seen how the therapists constantly "socialize" treatment options with others and rapidly share techniques with one another. They function like a collective of doctor's in a wide open space which I believe makes them stronger as individuals.


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