
noa van baar

4 years ago

I have been on ksh for 5 years and like to give my...

I have been on ksh for 5 years and like to give my opinion.

plus points to the school:

- there is a nice atmosphere on ksh
- the school organizes things like 'purple friday' which is great
- the music class is great fun, there is also the possibility to go to the sports class or theater class. the music nights such as: unplugged, ksh parade, sound mix are always great fun. if you like sports, or acting, or music, ksh offers a really nice place for you. it is very nice that attention is paid to this.

negatives to the school:
- too full. the last few years that I was on ksh it got fuller and fuller. students sat on the floor during the break because there were no more seats.
- involvement of the mentor. this differs per person and per mentor, of course, but I missed some mentor involvement in 5 years. if you are stuck with something or just a bit out of the boat, you really can not always go with problems. this is unfortunate. on the other hand, I think that's a problem in every high school, not just ksh.
- from the 4th grade you will have to deal with 'yubu', this is a program that you will use for mentoring lessons. this is really awful. it does not help you at all to prepare for an after school education, the assignments are boring and demotivating. I hope there will be another initiative in the future, which will help prepare students better for life after high school and make a good choice in a positive and motivating way.

it is a great school, it meets the requirements for an average high school, but every school has its own points. ksh is certainly not high above other schools, except the music / sports / theater classes. this really makes ksh a lot more fun school. you feel free and you have room for creativity.


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