Jake Ingebritson

4 years ago



Oversold, hot, slow and irritating. City Sightseeing Toronto is a terrible experience, I cannot express enough how strongly I recommend avoiding this tourist trap.

When we bought our tickets we were told the bus would arrive every 15 minutes, you can simply hop on and off when you feel like it. We arrived at the bus stop at the Radisson next to the harbour, 45 minutes later a bus arrived. My wife and I were among 20-30 people waiting. The line isn't managed by City Sightseeing Toronto. Others cut in, jumped to the front, etc. Thankfully we were near the front, so we got the last two standing room only spots. The bus was super crowded, cramped and hot (no fans or AC). Then to top it off, the tour guide had a grating, irritating delivery. Her name was Cazz or something like that. Every word that came out of her mouth was beyond annoying. It would have been a better experience had she not talked at all. She provided no value or information which was worth the pain of listening to her. She tried too hard to be cute and entertaining, instead she came across as the most irritating "tour" guide ever. I cannot express in words properly how annoying she was. I will forever remember Toronto poorly because of her.

In fact, she was offended when I didn't tip her when we got off the bus. I'm supposed to tip a late, oversold, hot and annoying bus ride?

We decided to get off the bus before the tour ended because we couldn't take it any longer. We have 48 hours to use the bus, we won't be back again to use it during our stay in Toronto. We would rather walk or use Uber instead, even though we were suckered in to paying City Sightseeing Toronto. My wife said she felt sick on the bus, I agree with her. I feel sick we spent money with City Sightseeing Toronto. You got us once, you won't ever get us again.


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