Bartek Dzik

4 years ago

For those who do not want to read - four stars in ...

For those who do not want to read - four stars in this hotel is a joke and it's not very funny. But from the beginning: a very small and cramped room. With a small child (1 year) and a travel cot inserted, you can not live normally, you have to walk on the wall. Someone will say - it was necessary to take a bigger room, I will answer that for such a price we expected decent conditions, not even "4-star" and here a micro room with additional slants that made life even more difficult. Coming back to the price, this is the worst hotel in relation price to the quality of the stay in our entire "tourist career". Everything is old, the room smells like an old people's home, the shower cubicle is rusted, the sliding door in the cabin "walked" like a barn door, gasket in the balcony dangels dangling, tiles on the balcony destroyed, grout faded, dangerous edges of the tiles under the feet. The hotel lack of air conditioning, in the rooms from the south side on sunny days could not withstand despite continuous weathering. The kid was irritated, torn at every visit in the room (we avoided visits to his hotel room like fire, but to sleep somewhere), sleep in such a room is a torment, once stifling and unmistakably hot, two that due to the necessity of airing the room, the balcony door they had to be kept open, it was up to 2-3 a.m. at night, you had to listen to the "tourists" and locals sitting on the square located in front of the hotel. Such conditions at night reflected very badly above all on the one-year-old child who woke up every 30 minutes. Cleaning the rooms in the lottery, sometimes clean up, sometimes throwing out the rubbish, the bedding was replaced only when we took off the covers and threw it on the ground, visibly soiled bedding was only covered so as to hide the dirt - hands fall. Children's playroom is a dirty dark hole in basements with no natural light. Food - here is a strange situation because the Swedish tables at breakfast and dinner are decent, but day in day exactly the same. Lunch is once a very tasty home-made meal and once something that looked like it crawled out of the canteen in the 80's. During the 8-day stay, dinner manus were repeated three times. Good food is often found here with very poor quality products. What strikes in the restaurant is dirty tablecloths and carpeting and the lack of air conditioning. Serving at meals impolite, often guests had to give way to running waiters, when pouring a drink from an autoamt, no one saw the problem of adding water to the device at the same time. Child seats dirty, sometimes rubbed with a dirty rag. The only thing that deserves this hotel for 4 stars is the location in the sense of proximity to the sea. Many readers of my opinion will say that I am picking up and I am a claiming city who gets bored, but I write only to someone who respects their hard-earned money and maybe how I can go with my family once a year for a decent vacation for which I know that he has to pay a lot, let him avoid this hotel with a wide arc, because you will come to the average three-star, who did not even stand near the hotel with an asterisk more on the account. I do not recommend, I advise against advise. There are 3 star hotels in which we rested incomparably better, and four-star huts in which we were palaces in comparison with this small hotel. The trip itself - great - for the first time in years we managed to weather the Polish seaside, 6 days of palm - it is a pity that such a hotel can boast of a 4-star standard, in my opinion it is unfair.


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