CorreyHope Kustin

4 years ago

THE ER room: Not a place I really want to be. But ...

THE ER room: Not a place I really want to be. But had the privilege on Xmas Eve.
Being rushed here for a real emergency makes you feel like death. With so many real accidents and people needing rooms, Many clog the place for a cold or a sneeze, or a little boo boo.
All I can say is please diagnosis your patients and weed out the real hurting people.
I was real sick and my stomach closed.
For hours I was sick in a bed with no one coming or going to tell me what was going on. I waited 3-4 hours with IV in my arm and tubes up my nose. Being told the Xray machine was broken. ?!!! Like is this a hospital or what?

Screams of pain drown the hallways as people are placed dorm style in the hallways.
I really don't get this type of healthcare.


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