Tom Gibbons

3 years ago



They have a billboard that says Family Pass Starting at $249, yet they have no family passes starting at $249. They have youth passes starting at $249. I was told the justification for advertising a family pass at $249 is because the youth are part of the family. I was also told that no ski resort in the world would sell family passes for $249. This may be true, but I don't see Powder Mountain advertising family passes for $249.

They could have said "Family Fun. Passes starting at $249" or "Youth Passes Starting at $249" or many other things. Instead, they offer this language aimed at getting buyers to call, only then do they explain what they actually sell. Classic bait and switch.

The GM on the phone acted as if there is nothing wrong with the advertisement, even though he readily admits there is no family pass available for $249. By tolerating this type of communication, we, as a society, dumb ourselves down, to the point were even those running ski resorts no longer recognize the difference between truth and fiction.

Look, this might be a great organization but standing by weak justifications for misleading (lying to) their target market is, at best, in poor taste and really reflects the type of managerial thinking that is eroding ethical discourse within our contemporary culture.


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