
oded yakobovich

3 years ago

Wow people are talking nonsense here in quantities...

Wow people are talking nonsense here in quantities.

1. A contract with a fine has and rightly so. Think carefully about the investment required and see if it suits you - do not waste everyone's time if you came not serious (I have already heard of special cases where the fine was waived - non-robotic people work there, unlike other places I have heard of). And in any case, one should always check carefully and think carefully about a contract that is signed.

2. They do not censor comments - on the contrary, I was censored a lot of times when I wrote my personal experience from there, because they thought I was getting money from them - and I am not hysterical impudence. Someone has an interest in defaming I'm sure.

3. As a rule, from my personal acquaintance only (i.e. people I know personally who found a job at the end of the training), the jobs found at the end of the training are first class in the world of software development. "Complicated math" to the best of my knowledge is irrelevant to 90% of the world of software development - to write operating systems you do not need math. Need quality code writing skills (and sometimes complicated).

4. From time to time I take a look at the offer of training programs in Israel - to this day I have not come across a good one like that of Infiniti - and if you would happily recommend it - show me a syllabus or program structure, and we'll talk.

5. The treatment I received that Infiniti I can not accept anywhere else - Speaking of treatment, I heard mostly about problems with Infiniti's competitors. I have a number of stories that testify to the people who work and run the place. People with a wide heart and lots of goodwill.

Everything I wrote from personal experience, I saw with my own eyes and heard firsthand with my own ears.
Always happy to talk and help anyone who is interested in the same field.


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