Connie Perk

3 years ago


VERY ANGRY WITH THIS SCHOOL I WOULD GIVE IT 0 STARS IF I COULD! This school use to be ok when my older kids did it 3 or 4 years ago but now they suck. They're trying to be a public school. Now you have to go to mandatory online classes all morning Monday through Friday AND go to blended for half a freaking day at their school once a week, which takes me 35 minutes to drive there!! My daughter has been having problems with school but she has minor depression and is in a program for anorexia in her church and the teachers and staff are very ununderstanding and unsupportive. Recently my daughter was withdrawn for lack of communication with staff, really? Every time she may miss a class she would email her teachers explaining why, that is a form of communication! K12 has a very bad curriculum, it is confusing and difficult to understand for my daughter she has to spend ages on a lesson because they won't explain it.

An advisor called to make a meeting with me because my daughter was behind in her school work but didn't leave her extension, but I couldn't make it last minute. I called the school to cancel and reschedule and the receptionist had me on hold for 45 minutes and then the machine just hung up on me!! I called again and the receptionist took my name and number and said the advisor would call me back. She never did. Honestly I just forgot about it because my daughter managed to catch up in all of her subjects except for math a week later so I thought everything was fine. Later I found they just marked the meeting as a no call no show, they never even called me to check of on me or return my call.

Last time I got a call from a teacher was March 31, I spoke to a teacher march 29, I'm sorry when teachers aren't calling me I assume everything is fine and she was caught up or nearly caught up in her subjects except for math. and today when my daughter logged in to go to her class like she does every single damn morning she was locked out. I called to find out why and was told she was withdrawn from school. Like seriously I was not warned or threatened or anything! I called a woman who was very rude to me and told me multiple calls and emails were made and they she herself sent to letters to my home, when it is not true!!!! And she has no way to prove to me that any letters to my home have been sent! She was very rude and kept repeating the same this over and over again and did not pause to let me speak, I don't know how she talked so long without stopping to breath honestly.

School ends in less than two months and after my daughter has worked so hard to get back on track they told her to just go to another school and start the semester over when she was on track to be fully caught up in all her subjects by the end of the month, aka two weeks. She was even signed up for her midterms to take next week which she now can't take.

This is a school full of lazy and unorganized teachers and administrators who don't know how to do their job and I find it unbelievable that they're college educated. They would rather ship your kid off to another school than work with them and be supportive. Don't enroll your kid here, go to Connections or even just a public school, they both have a much better support team and a more thorough staff who know what they're doing. Withdrawing or expelling a child from school should be a last resort not a first or second!! Lazy employees...


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