3 years ago

In February of 2019, my father, Arkady Benikovich ...

In February of 2019, my father, Arkady Benikovich Zakharyan, was treated in the surgical department of the Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery in Astrakhan. An operation on the heart (CABG) was performed, 4 shunts were supplied. Preparation, surgery and postoperative period were successful. In this great merit of the medical staff of the surgical department: surgeons Makeeva SA Zavolozhina AS, Doctors and Nurses of the Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Department. In addition to their professional qualities, I would like to note the kindness, care, attentiveness and love for their patients. Special thanks to the attending physician Ostroukhova I.V. that seriously, responsibly and with the soul reacted to the issue of preoperative preparation and postoperative recovery. Thanks for the kind attitude to patients and relatives, always found time to communicate with me. I would also like to express my deep gratitude to Kozmin Dmitry Yuryevich Kozmin, the doctor of cardiovascular surgery, head of the department! Dmitry Yuryevich! I think you will remember us for a long time (it is not every day that stunned relatives of patients stop you on the street). I express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to you! Such experts in our country - this rarity! We are so grateful to you for your caring attitude to us. Thank you so much for your hard work! Once again make sure how much depends on the head! I would like to wish the whole team of the Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery in Astrakhan. professional success, health to you and your loved ones and good luck in all your endeavors!
Best regards, Alain!


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