3 years ago

Been into Emerg a few times. Once for a broken ank...

Been into Emerg a few times. Once for a broken ankle. The x-ray tech shoved a board to keep my foot upright for the x-ray, so hard against my foot that I screamed. The other time was a few days after I'd had blood taken there. The woman who took my blood wasn't wearing gloves, she swabbed my arm with alcohol, then used her dirty fingers to press around for veins. Before I could ask for her to clean the area again, she had shoved the needle in. A few days later I was back with fever, pain, and a red line running from the needle spot to my armpit. The doctor told me I'd gotten a "Systemic infection" or blood poisoning, from the needle, and gave me antibiotics right away.
I bought my medical records about this from the hospital a couple of weeks ago, and the Triage nurse had drawn the red line on the wrong arm, and the doctor had written "cellulitis" (a bacterial skin infection that does NOT creates a red line from the inner elbow to the armpit, or cause fevers and muscle pain) as the cause of the infection. It was classic blood poisoning, he TOLD me I had blood poisoning, and then he writes cellulitis to cover the hospital's as*. So I can't sue them, I guess.
By the way, after seeing the Triage nurse, I had to wait ELEVEN hours to see a doctor.


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