Ben Woodson

3 years ago

My Fiance came in at about 3:30 PM with chest pain...

My Fiance came in at about 3:30 PM with chest pain and is currently pregnant and she then proceeds to have to wait for 4 and half hours before she gets seen and then they take what is now closing in on 3 and half hours and we have seen the doctor twice once for an initial diagnosis which was a couple meds and then they came and caused my Fiance to vomit, and urinate herself symptom of her pregnancy, well we make a call for the nurse using the in room call button which takes the nurse 15 minutes to show up to and to which she reacts completely dumbfounded and the finally get her changed and the doctor comes back in about an hour and a half later to say he is going to prescribe her some of the meds that she puked up and we have no idea how she reacts to. She finally got discharged 8 hours after coming in with essentially glorified nausea.


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