Kerry J-L

4 years ago

Home Owners who had their REVERSE MORTGAGE S Tra...

Home Owners who had their REVERSE MORTGAGE S Transferred from, WELLS FARGO to CHAMPION MORTGAGE need to please, Heed my Warning & find another Mortgage Company ASAP otherwise, they will DEFRAUD you and/or your Loved Ones out of THOUSANDS of Dollars as, they did with, my Deceased Mother s REVERSE MORTGAGE which, was Transferred on SEPTEMBER 1, 2017 . My Mother Passed away at just 72 on SEPTEMBER 29, 2017 in a Skilled Nursing Facility on Hope Hospice NEVER KNOWING HER MORTGAGE WAS TRANSFERRED TO THESE THIEFS who, within a few SHORT MONTH S would add $ 13,339.90 to the PAYOFF & attempt to FORECLOSE on Her Home during, PROBATE . At Transfer $ 197,862.34 was OWED & had only the REGULAR MONTHLY FEE S of approx. $ 481.00 been Charged then, the PAYOFF would had only been approx. $ 203,634.34 but, INSTEAD, the PAYOFF on AUGUST 24, 2018 was $ 211,202.24 (which, on WED., AUGUST 21st Champion Mortgage advised the Closing Company that, the PAYOFF would be $ 210,772.24 AS OF 8/31/2018 & within an HOUR of CLOSING on FRI., AUGUST 24th I was called BACK to the Closing Company as, Champion Mortgage sent a FAX stating They were ADDING an ADDITIONAL $ 430.00 the PAYOFF & if, NOT PAYED they would FORECLOSE . Now, I m the Sole Beneficiary to my Mother s Estate (Her Home of 25 YEARS was all that was left) but, unfortunately due to circumstances beyond my control I was not able to gain access to the Property until, MAY of 2018 but, once in I found Documentation listing Champion Mortgage as, the New Company Servicing the Reverse Mortgage along with, Documentation from, Wells Fargo stating I was my Mother s Alternative Contact Person & this information was sent to Champion Mortgage yet, they "willfully Failed" to EVER even attempt to Contact me. I immediately met with an Attorney to begin the Probate process as, well as, a Real Estate Agent to list the Property for Sale & made my Initial Call to Champion Mortgage on MAY 15th in which, I spoke with, a Siobhan whom advised me as to how to proceed; the Documentation required by, Champion & that, I wanted to send this information ASAP before, the started any FORECLOSURE Process . I provided Siobhan with, my Contact Information (which, was the Same as, they already had on FILE); my Email Address in which, She would send the PAYOFF Amount (I did receive this on MAY 18th with, the PAYOFF AS OF 5/31/2018 being, $ 203,255.01) & She also, advised me to expect a Letter from, Champion Mortgage in acknowledgement of my Letter of Intent. So, the following day, MAY 16th & MULTIPLE Times thereafter, I FAXED Champion Mortgage as, Instructed a A Letter of Intent providing written expression of my desire to sell Mom s Property in FLORIDA/PAY-IN-FULL the outstanding balance on the Reverse Mortgage Loan; provided Mom s Certification Of Death; Last Will And Testament as well as, the Listening Agreement with, RE/Max Realty . Well suffice it to say I NEVER received ANY acknowledgement from, Champion Mortgage Re. Receipt of my Letter of Intent; the Real Estate Agent contact (as, Initially we had a Residential Contract for Sale and Purchase in place on May 23, 2018 which, unfortunately fell through) or the Probate Lawyer s contact with them . Champion Mortgage not only, IGNORED our Contacts but then, proceed to FILE for FORECLOSIURE; PRETENDED the Certification Of Death they filed on my MOTHER did NOT have Myself, her Daughter the INFORMANT S CONTACT INFORMATION on it (which, was the EXACT SAME CONTACT INFORMATION they had RECEIVED from, Wells Fargo when, my Mother listed me as, the Alternative Contact Person ) as well as, PRETENDED that, they NEVER knew a CASE was FILED in the PROBATE COURT! So, when all was said & done Champion Mortgage s Deceptive Business Practices allowed them (from, my INITIAL CONTACT on MAY 15th) to ADD/COLLECT an ADDITIONAL $ 7,947.23 in MULTIPLE PROPERTY INSPECTION S; LEGAL FEES; COUNTY RECORDING FEE S with more then, HALF of the FEE s being, LISTED under UNSCHEDULED DRAWS/CORPORATE ADVANCES (with, NO Explanation of the Use for these FEE S) .


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