John Hug

3 years ago

Beacon Hill Staffing Group was a consistent source...

Beacon Hill Staffing Group was a consistent source of attentiveness and professionalism in my job hunt. They very regularly provided me with not only interviews, but inside knowledge about the role, the company, the interviewers I would be meeting, and more. They had answers to questions like 'what to wear,' to what parts of my resume I should be emphasizing to a potential match.

They were very available for interview prep, and even helped me craft thank you letters and coordinated an extension on a written application that fell on a very busy time for me. Most job agencies and websites just generate junk mail, but Beacon Hill Staffing Group has taken the otherwise soul crushing process of job searching into an opportunity for professional mentoring.

They even offered coaching for an opportunity I had found OUTSIDE of their program.

I highly recommend them, especially Mary and the permanent position team!


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