Yashar Takallou

4 years ago

Folks, let me tell you whats happened to me.

Folks, let me tell you whats happened to me.
6 month ago, my visa rejected due to some complexity. I was devastated, so I went to google and randomly searched for an immigration lawyer. I found a law firm in Sydney. I went there and after explaining my situation, they told me we can help you, but it cost you 9000$ plus all the expenses (overall 12K) and its very risky process, need a lots of effort, need to establish lots of grounds and bla bla bla. and to tell the truth, I didn't have 12K, I thought I am done in Australia...
but after couple of days, by some luck, my father found out about Visayab and Dr.Ahmadi and he pushed me to book an appointment. with lots of hesitation, I eventually gave in and booked for an appointment. I thought I'm going to hear same story, but after Dr. Ahmadi heard my story, told me if you want me to take your case, it cost you 2-3K (compare with 9K) but to tell you the truth, you do not need my assistance. he gave me some golden advices and I lodged my application myself.

so folks, I can tell you one thing for sure, they are not just looking for your money, they are here to help you.


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