

3 years ago

Horrible. I came to them in Feb 2013 with back and...

Horrible. I came to them in Feb 2013 with back and neck pain, I got an MRI that they ordered, from I got a series of injections and ever-increasing pain pill prescriptions, finally in September 2013 I was seen by a surgeon who looked at the same MRI they had been looking at and he immediately saw a shattered disc and I went in for cervical spinal replacement surgery and upon waking up the pain was gone...and still is! When asked why Dr. Mukai at Texas Orthopedics never saw the injury I was ignored for a month by them until I wrote something negative on their Facebook wall (which was immediately yanked down...it seems only positive feedback is allowed...), they let me know that Dr. Mukai wasn't qualified to see the injury, then told me she never saw the MRI and that the people at ARA looked at it and informed her of the results, then finally I was told that Dr. Mukai saw a Facebook posting that indicated that I was happy following a visit to ANOTHER doctor at Texas Orthopedics and she then thought I was fixed...it seems she forgot that when the pain meds from that visit wore off I called back to get another appointment...my experience gets worse as at one point she referred to me as a drug seeker evidently taking her inability to see my injury as me wanting drugs thinking I wasn't in pain. in the end there was never a true apology, a lot of calls and e-mails and contact us forms never returned, a lot of Facebook postings pulled, and a lot of excuses. I almost feel like they rode my very good insurance as long as they could and then let me go. I cannot recommend this place after this horrible experience. I could have had surgery six months earlier and not lost so much of my life and they just don't care.


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