Holly Corso Fons
Review of Skydive Midwest

4 years ago

I did something so out of my comfort zone but some...

I did something so out of my comfort zone but something so incredibly exhilarating it's hard to put into words to share with you all . I decided to go skydiving and I treated myself to my 1st jump today (Mothers Day) . For some reason I wasn't scared as much as I thought I would be . I felt incredibly calm as I drove myself there. I quickly signed the waiver without hesitation and doubting myself , I sat and listened to the brief instruction of how it all happens and looked around the room with people in the same boat as me. I kept reminding myself and telling others how stoked I was. I just thought wow!!! What a great opportunity that I was about to embark on by taking a risk and pushing myself beyond my comfort zone and creating an amazing memory . Then it really began .... The harnesses and instructors came out and we were getting harnessed up for our jump in the hanger. I knew there was no time to get scared just to go forward . My tandem instructor and video Grapher were amazing. They reassured me we were good. I was in the 2nd round to go up . It was me and another jumper and our tandem partners and video graphers. I walked out to the plane with no hesitation in my step ,boarded the plane without any issues and we were on our way up 14,000 feet up in the air . My tandem partner attached myself to him when it was his cue to do so. Once it was time to jump . We decided to go 1st . The rolling door opened I could see the world below me . I had a split thought to myself (oh my word what am I doing/ thinking in so many words).The video grapher jumped 1st so he could capture my moment . It was very very windy, but out of my control. We waddled out to the ledge of the plane and then bam- we were free falling . It was incredible feeling,. During descent it was slightly difficult to breathe which I wasn't expecting or prepared for but I know what to do to alleviate that for my next jump. The parachute opened and then it felt like time stopped . I could see everything so crystal clear . It was such a spectacular and clear view. . I got to be in control of the parachute for a lil bit . We did a few right and a few L turns . So... this had to be the best Mothers Day gift to myself.
I cant wait to see the pics and the video which I will share once I get them. I found a new addiction for me. I will be doing another jump soon .


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