Review of ORBEA S.Coop.

3 years ago

I was deceived by Orbea, it has cost me money, I w...

I was deceived by Orbea, it has cost me money, I will comment on: Dear Sirs, allow me to express my greatest discomfort at the informality and damage that Orbea has caused me.
On August 2, I bought a keram 15 2019, placed the order under the number 96941066, with the date of receipt of the bicycle on September 3, the amount of the purchase was financed, I mean, I am paying interest, I do not have a bicycle , I have paid cancellations of agreed routes because I had everything prepared for my vacations, and also the transport cost that it causes me is added, since I cannot use it as such.
I chose Orbea among several houses, for what until now I thought it was, a great brand with a guarantee, and I find myself, paying a loan, fucking vacations, and without a bicycle.
But to this, we are going to add that the store where I bought the bicycle, promised to have a replacement bicycle for the past week, until my bicycle arrived. To this day, I do not have such a replacement bike either and apparently it is not expected to arrive. I feel cheated and cheated. They have already recommended that I put this situation in the hands of professionals, since the economic damages they have caused me can be claimed, but I am left with a screwed up vacation and a broken illusion.
Keep in mind that this illusion is broken, and the damages suffered will be discussed in each and every one of the forums that talk about electric bicycles, in all those that talk about suitable brands for a purchase, in all the sites that orbea may have a mention, It will be mine, and it will be telling my story, and that to this day, I have not been solved, compensated or even replaced until the arrival of the order.
You screw up my vacations, you screw up my illusion and cause me expenses, and this will be public. It's a shame, I didn't choose a foreign brand because I didn't expect the bike, because I didn't have confidence, and my goodness, who betrays me, the Orbea brand, which I put all my trust in.
Disappointing Look for other brands, they will surely give you better results, and I speak from my experience with this brand.

Orbea asks me to send what happened by mail, I did so on September 18, I will keep you informed, if they really take responsibility for the damages they cause.


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