Jack Watley

4 years ago

Buyer Beware... This is the most dishonest car dea...

Buyer Beware... This is the most dishonest car dealer I have ever dealt with. in November of 2015 I traded in a MBZ SL500 and purchased a MBZ SL 55. It is a great car and the sales man was professional. When I was finishing up the purchase paperwork i noticed that they charged me more then double what registration would be on the car. The sales guy said that they will refund me the difference from what the DMV Charged. Well It did not quite work that way. 60 Days after I purchased the car i did not get the refund for the over payment of the registration. So I called the dealer and thats when the run around began. I had to send them the registration I received from the DMV to prove of my over payment. Guess they did not get the same registration info as i did. I sent the proof of over payment and i was informed that they will send me a check. 30 Days later i did not receive payment. So i called again and they informed me that they have not cut checks yet for that month, good excuse to use when you are hurting for cash. They requested that i send them all of the paperwork i sent the first time I requested my money. I guess they lost the first batch of paperwork i sent to them. Even though they are required to keep copies by law. 30 Days latter and I still did not receive my check. So I call and we go through it one more time. This time i was informed the the check was mailed. I let them know I did not receive it. They said that if I did not get the check in the next few day to call. I waited a week and called. They contacted the bank and was informed the the check was cleared. I asked for a copy to to prove it was cashed and was sent a copy of the front and back of the check. What they did not inform me up was that the check was made payable to 2 people Me and someone alas who add their hand written name to the check and cashed it . I called them back to inform them that I am the only person to be listed on the check and who is the other person. They told me that was my problem. They paid me. So I inform them that i was going to turn them into the DMV and all of a sudden they tell me they will reissue the check to me. I receive the new check and called to thank them and to inform them that their was a Bridge tool violation in the car i sold them. This was in January. They asked me to send them the ticket and they will take care of it. 30 Days later i get a warning letter that their will be addition fines if it is not paid. I called the dealer to ask if it was paid . They asked me resend it and would take care of it. It is now August and I get a Collection Notice: Credit Bureau and State Franchise Tax Board Intercept warring letter Stating Pay the ticket or we will be reporting it to the credit bureau. I called the dealer and they told me it is my problem.... that the person they sold the car to got a ticked that did not pay. To protect my credit I had to pay the ticket and dispute the ticket by showing the proof of sale to Law Enforcement System LLC. That is what will happen to you when you work with a car dealer who is shady... BUYER BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!


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