3 years ago

4.12.2019 (my birthday) I sat in the hospital from...

4.12.2019 (my birthday) I sat in the hospital from 9am to 5:30. Unless you are a heart patient do NOT wast your time going here. I had a doctors appt next door at Internal Medicine. I was sent over to the ER. From the time I was there I was bounced around multiple times from one room to the next. I started at the front desk, then through the glass door for vitals, then "take a seat", then sent to the next room to talk to PA and NP. Once they left I heard them talking on the other side of the door. I quote "She "claims" to have Idiopathic Retroperitoneal Fibrosis!" Had they read my extensive medical file on record they would have know I was treated for almost 2 years by the head of Nephrology at John Hopkins on Chemo for 16 months etc! On to the please "take a seat room" again. Then called into another room where it is set up strictly for IV's. Because of the chemo my veins are limited. I told her where to stick. She decided the middle of my arm was good and blew my vain. I have to tell her where to stick the second time since she failed to listen the first time. Then - you guessed it back to the "please take a seat room!" It was now almost 3pm. I went back to the front desk and asked "Do you people know what the hell you are doing here? I have been here since 9am and have been bounced all over the place. the woman that takes the vitals came in and said "we just found a bed for you."I get back to section 5 bed 5 and I wait for about 30 minutes prior to John the nurse to come in. He was great I appreciated him. Then the doctor came in and ordered a cat scan with out dye since I am highly allergic to it. Once back in my room I saw John once more for a pain med and he was off to lunch. After another 30 minutes pain was worse and no one was around. At 5:15 the doctor came back and said everything looks good. Follow up with your primary. I left with the same problem and the same pain. I followed up with my GI 4.15.2019 who pulled up my catscan from the hospital. He did NOT like what he saw and wasn't sure how the hospital missed it. I have ischemic colitis! Very painful and very serious. The entire trip to the hospital was worthless. The doctor at the hospital said we have done all we can do here since I cannot have IV dye. I did tell him I can have an MRA (uses a different dye.) He discharged me anyway. Here is the kicker. Instead of saying we will admit for further testing so we can figure out the next plan of action to help you because he did nothing. I have Medicare & medicaid which covers 100% of my hospitalization. MY RATING IS "0"FOR THIS HOSPITAL. I SUGGEST IF YOU CAN GET TO ANOTHER HOSPITAL - DO IT. **HOWEVER** DO NOT DO IT IF YOU HAVE A LIFE THREATENING EMERGENCY!! Bottom line this hospital NEEDS better qualified doctors and nurses and a complete overhaul. The "please have a seat room" fits about 20-25 people. There were folks in there with the contagious diseases with no mask on. The last thing any patient wants to do when coming into the ER is be bounced around from room to room when they are not feeling well let alone pick up the flu or any other contagious disease when they are already had one problem that brought them to the ER. The hospital is not equipped to handle an overflow of patients nor do they have rooms for them. Hence the "please sit and suffer: room!


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