Review of Life Watch Inc

4 years ago

I was placed onto a 30 day heart monitor. My cardi...

I was placed onto a 30 day heart monitor. My cardiologist utilized Lifewatch. The unit shipped to me malfunctioned. I gave everyone the benefit of the doubt, as electronics do malfunction. I did receive additional supplies very very promptly. The unit continued to periodically malfunction.

On Wednesday June 25, 2014, after 30 minutes on the phone and repeated attempts to reboot the unit I was told I would be shipped a replacement. That was probably the best thing and they said they could take a look at the programming.

On the evening of June 26, 2014, I called about not yet rec'g the replacement to learn it had never been ordered or shipped. A very uncaring unprofessional group of folks seems to work there. No apologies just a matter of fact you should receive it tomorrow. Although not rude in words, their tone is not friendly what can I do for you.

We are talking about patient lives that this data is needed for so, hopefully, I will finally receive it tomorrow.

I did ask the young lady to pass on my thoughts as I would be posting this review. She indicated that she would do so and advise her supervisor. I just can not believe that a large healthcare company with such a positive reputation would treat their patients as I am being treated.

Today is Friday, June 27, 2014. I had the pleasure of reaching Martha in Customer Service at Lifewatch. What a super customer service representative. Sincere, exudes wanting to help, researches and provides you pleasant service. I wrote to compliment her. My customer contact with her gives Lifewatch 3 stars. Still waiting but should have the replacement tonight and I can package up the other unit and UPS it back.

Perhaps I was just reaching some grumpy tired customer rep's before Martha, that does happen in every Company.


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