Rip Essely

4 years ago

CAO only:

CAO only:
Some directors are detached, lack compassion and seem to have no moral compass.
Some directors also only schmooze with the elite and know nothing about the work that we (the little people) produce, yet they are the ones in charge of who stays and who goes. Directors have shiny ball syndrome, if they discover someone new that they feel will uplift their own position in the organization, it s out with old and in with the new. They don t care how many lives they damaged in the process, they have no problem stepping on the little people to get to the top.
This system is more than tainted, it is disgusting. Without cause ( or without a fake director made up cause) directors do not think twice about taking away someones livelihood, and they do so without care, without compassion and without allowing a person their dignity.
Some directors do not understand that not everyone is as fortunate as themselves.
The directors treatment of some employees is just plain disgusting.
Directors NEED to exhibit more respect for the employees (in director speak employees = little people), without us you would not have a job.
Current directors need to learn how to become good people, because to date they are NOT.


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