A Brolsma
Review of Buerkle Honda

4 years ago

Charging for unnecessary tests: My car died, and I...

Charging for unnecessary tests: My car died, and I was told by the Roadside Service folks who jumped it that my 8-year old battery was finally about to meet its end (it was the original battery in a 2008 CR-V and was corroded). I brought it to the Buerkle Honda service department the following morning and told them what had happened and explained that I thought I needed a new battery. They did a free test, and then informed me that my battery was actually in good condition and was not the issue. I asked why it would have died then, and they said there could be something else going on (e.g. another system malfunctioning) that was draining the battery, causing it to die. I asked how we figure this out so that it doesn't continue to die, and they said they could do a diagnostic test for $80-$85 to see what was going on. I authorized the test, since it wasn't the battery and I wasn't interested in my car dying again in sub-zero temps. I received a call later that afternoon from Buerkle informing me that yes, in fact, the battery WAS old and coroded and in need of replacement. I authorized the battery replacement. The next day I went to pick up my car and asked why I was still being charged for the diagnostic (since I went to Honda for a new battery, was told I did not need one but needed a test instead, then they changed their minds and decided a new battery was needed after all). They informed me that they had to charge me because I authorized the work. I reminded them that I authorized the work under false pretenses: they had told me my battery was good and not in need of replacement. I told them that if there was still a chance it was still the battery causing the issue after the initial test, I would have authorized a battery replacement to see if it fixed the issue (since it was old and going to need replacement soon anyway, and the diagnostic test was almost as expensive as the battery replacement), then only return for the test if the issue arose again. The service rep spoke to the service manager, returned, and told me there was nothing he could do since I authorized the work. I again reminded him that the work was authorized under false information, as they spoke in absolute terms and at no time said their initial battery test results could be false or incomplete. He then offered to "split the difference" for the test, not only admitting that 1) saying there was nothing he could do was really just his way of letting me know his manager had authorized a discount or refund (but to try and get as much out of me, a chick, as possible), but that 2) Buerkle realized I was not being treated fairly but refused to admit it. I had been coming to Buerkle for service because I thought they hadn't swindled me into unnecessary work or repairs in the past, and I was even willing to pay their premium pricing in exchange for this comfort. Clearly, this is not the case. They've lost a customer and my respect.


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