Dmitry Aldusku

4 years ago

The legendary restaurant "Seasons" worked in this ...

The legendary restaurant "Seasons" worked in this building. During the perestroika years, it was a fire, and by 2015 the building and mosaic were restored. Previously, there was a suspended ceiling over the "Autumn" - now a strip of red brick is in its place. Grigory Revzin calls the mosaic "a characteristic example of monumental hackwork of the early 70s, which was customary to decorate the buildings of the houses of culture, registry offices and educational institutions."

Psychedelic, illuminated by the explosion of Hiroshima: Takashi Murakami
Was at the exhibition Takashi Murakami "Will be a gentle rain" in the Museum of Modern Art "Garage". Still, "the East is a complicated business," a completely different culture and expression of the artist's feelings. I like it. For the most part very cheerful. 100% of this exhibition can be spent with children. They are much calculated: in addition to life-affirming colors (in both words) figures and pictures, there is a children's hill designed by the author and ... a whole mountain of Japanese toys (the passage between the stands strictly in groups of no more than 3 and enhanced protection :). Most of the author's works are executed in a game form. Around decorating - alien to European art, the more interesting it is to see.
The exhibition presents photos dedicated to August 1945 (the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki). According to the idea of the curators of the exhibition, this event is a turning point in the worldview of modern Japanese. The nuclear disaster was the starting point for a new visuality: from post-apocalyptic visions to a conscious departure from reality and its persistent displacement. I was most impressed by the traces of people left on the bridge.
The title of the exhibition - "There Will Be a Caressing Rain" refers to Ray Bradbury's story from the series "Martian Chronicles", on which the same Soviet animated film (1984) was still shot. The action there unfolds after a nuclear catastrophe, which left only ashes from people. So a direct reference to the tragedy of Hiroshima. Psychedelic, lit by the explosion of Hiroshima.
The author is very diverse: from classical Japanese engraving (samurai drawings - you can not photograph) to dolls for cartoons.


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