Donald Daily
Review of MDwise

4 years ago

MDWISE Marketplace is consistently having problems...

MDWISE Marketplace is consistently having problems switching their service from 2014 to 2015. For most of January, their customers looked uninsured because policies that began Jan. 1, 2015 and were paid for by the members were not recorded in their system. The new 2015 policy didn't exist in the computer system and the old 2014 policy read "terminated". Customers were sent doctors bills from their doctors and required to pay the bills themselves. MDWISE just kept saying it was a "system error". Now clear into February they are showing that some customers are behind on their premiums when in fact they are not. MDWISE is still not recording that first premium for 2015 and declaring it a "system error". A member must wait on the phone for 60 minutes to get a representative on the line. That representative just keeps repeating "We will send this problem away for review to be fixed." I have called several times and they agree each time I am current and up to date on my premiums, but they can't get their computer system to reflect that. They just keep saying they will send it away to be fixed. Doctors offices and hospitals use their computer systems to see if a patient has active health insurance- so it can be a barrier to receiving care. If doctors office refuses to wait on hold for 60 minutes to ask if the patient is insured, the patient may look uninsured or behind on their premiums if the doctor's office uses the online computer system that doesn't function properly. It is a very unfair thing going on and no one will resolve it. Patients should not be paying for coverage and services and have the internet error show they are uninsured or behind on their premiums, when they are not.


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