
reynard brown
Review of MCE

4 years ago

While driving down the street I live on (at 19th S...

While driving down the street I live on (at 19th St in Oakland at approx 2:00pm) today to drop off some groceries, I noticed one of your workers filling in sawed creases in the pavement that were watered down and a bit on the muddy side. As I drove by I noticed he was blocking a portion of my driveway and it just so happens there is no parking on my side of the street today until 3:30 pm. Now mind you, this street was Not blocked off today and cars were coming up and down the street all day. I proceeded to the end of the block, drove over the muddy area and made a u-turn and came back by the area he was working and I had no choice but to drive over the muddy area again (because was all over the street). When I got near to where he was working I rolled down my window and asked him to come over. I said "How's it going?" He replied sarcastically "Fine until you kept running over my mud". I said "I'm running over your mud because I live right there...and I pointed over his shoulder. So I need to park in my drive way when I return. He "You live there?" I said "yes I do and I need to park there when I come back". He said Ok, when you get back I'll move up. Which was fine. I dropped off my groceries and loaded up boxes to go to the post office. When I came back, he was working further down the street so I was able to park with no problems. I was still pissed but i didn't say anything to him My only issue is that when I asked him at first Hey how's it going? I was just speaking to him in a friendly tone and was going to let him know about where his truck was parked etc. I don't feel he had get sarcastic at all. Maybe he thought I was going to ask for directions or something but when I told him he was blocking my driveway his whole attitude changed.


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