4 years ago

Being a stakeholder in hospitality and entertainme...

Being a stakeholder in hospitality and entertainment in kenya, I usually don't write such reviews and even in this particular case I tried to talk it with the hotel and was asked to send an email that was not even acknowledged...I will just copy paste the issues raised in the email here. I will focus on F&B. Front office was great, all other areas need SERIOUS improvement.

*Kindly note that my issues also revolve around the fact that we were barely 20 in the dining area

-On our first day at the dining area we were ignored for a good part of 20 min as we watched people pass us by without any menu or even an apology for any delay. We had to call out to be served.

- Except for our last night, all meals would come after AT LEAST 40min with the record being 55min. The excuse was that there were many orders yet at the dining had only 12 people (I counted). Being a fixed menu, this is unacceptable.

-On our last night as stated above the meal came quick, however seeing as we are used to delays we ordered soup as a starter to keep us going and immediately we started having soup, the food was there.

-Being the coast and a property of that caliber we were shocked that there was no ice-cream during our stay of 3 nights. This is surely inexcusable. we did however go to yuls to get ice cream.

- Half the time we asked for juice, it was warm. So was the food (not hot)

- On one occasion we were asked for our order for refreshments and asked for 4 passion glasses of passion juice upon return the waiter told us there were only 2 glasses of passion juice left.

- While at the pool our order for hot chocolate was taken and it took 35min to arrive.

- The portions of the food weren t standardized eg bowl of fruit one night was some slices the next night was a nice bowl of fruit salad that one would expect from such an establishment. One day the chips are few the next day the portion is big.

-The fixed menu did not have an alternative for kids.

-On occasion we got dirty utensils, I took a picture of a fork once (I have uploaded it)

There were 2 people who stood out at the food area Benjamin was the best of our experience and Judy was good, I think I will stop there so as not to mention the people who performed poorly. I raise these issues first with you instead of going to tripadvisor and the rest so as to better improve the service and save our hospitality industry that we all love so much.


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