Linda S

4 years ago



Cancelled an appointment for my daughter and received a note that I was a no call no show. Incorrect info. Had you not rerouted all your calls to a call center now then maybe you would get correct information. This practice has gone to hell in a hand basket.

Called yesterday to make an appointment for my other daughter and couldnt see her normal provider because he was working the Convenient Care appointments. That was never an issue before. Strongly considering a finding a new provider for my family.


My family are patients at Willard Family Practice. We have no complaints about the care there.

Willard Convenient Care is no longer an urgent care. You have to walk in and get an appointment. Defeats the purpose.

My major complaint is about billing at Fisher Titus in Norwalk.

I had some tests done earlier in the year. I have been billed by FTMC AND several other providers/diagnostic companies.

After I received my invoices from FTMC for the balance that my private pay insurance didnt pay, I filled out the financial assistance portion on the back of the invoice. This was March 8.

April 12 comes and I have not heard anything so I call.

It was at this point that I began my encounter with billing clerk, DAWN FELL.

She informs me that the requested information on the back of the invoices are incorrect and that I need to submit other information.

So, all of the invoiced patients were asked for the incorrect info in the back if the invoice. Nonetheless, I send what DAWN FELL says I need to send. A few weeks later I'm emailed a decision and my remaining balance.

I tell her at this time that I need to set up a payment arrangement. She asks if I can do $40 per month. I told her no because I am paying on other medical bills from the same time of care. I waited a week or so and when I was doing my payments, I emailed her and told her that while I said I couldnt do 40 that i would be sending a payment that day.

She emailed me back almost right away. Denied getting my refusal email (I provided her with a screenshot and she back peddled) and said that she had set my account up for $40 a month. The same 40 I told her I couldn't do. She said she could do 25 a month but that the account needed to be cleared up by next June. Well, even at 25 a month, it wont be cleared up by then.

At this point, I'm beyond frustrated with dealing with DAWN FELL so I asked her to forward my information/communication to her supervisor. She emailed back that she did. I asked the name and contact info. She replied that it was in the previous email.....instead of a direct answer. Yep, it sure was. Right there in the "to" section of the email. (Passive aggressive much?!)

If having my account cleared up by next June was the priority then DAWN FELL would have been doing her job since my initial contact to work on the account in March.

It seems to me that patient service is not the prioroty with FTMC any longer. It's all a numbers game now.


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