Steven Jr

4 years ago

AFAIC Reviews have to consider multiple aspects of...

AFAIC Reviews have to consider multiple aspects of the experience, not just the food!

Curly Fries - ten out of five stars. I come here just for these.

Everything else I've had here - three or four stars out of five. The other food I've had, (chicken and burgers) is all okay. Nothing to write home about. But it does pairs pretty well with the curly fries, which really brings everything up a notch.

Service - Two out of Five stars. Always have a hard time placing my order. Sometimes I call to place an order and never get through. Okay, maybe it's busy? Every time I'm in the restaurant though, I'm the only person in there. I know they probably aren't with a customer, why don't they answer?

Finally, I figured it out on a kind of late night a couple weeks ago. After numerous phone calls going unanswered. (About 7 calls over 30 minutes) I made it to the restaurant and placed my order in person. After I was done the employee was making my food. (You might be able to imagine- I ordered the curly fries so they were simply waiting as they cooked in the fryer) While they were waiting, the phone rang. I expected to see them ignore it. Or answer it. Instead, they simply picked it up and then immediately hung it up! Literally no greeting, or words uttered at all!

No wonder I can't ever get through with a phone call! If you're walking by and want some fries, or are sitting at home and can order online it's probably worth it. Not safe to order online when I'm driving across Allston though...

Will definitely keep eating curly fries.

Edit: Added a star because I haven t had this issue since I posted the review. Thanks Spikes! The curly fries are still being eaten.


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