Connie Koons

3 years ago


BEWARE IF YOU HAVE FOOD ALLERGIES! Went to have a nice dinner with my boyfriend and his parents 11/30 at 4 PM. Food was great, and our waitress was wonderful, but then we ordered dessert. We ordered an elephant ear to share which was supposed to come topped with vanilla ice cream per the menu. A few bites in, we realized that the ice cream, while it looked like vanilla, actually tasted very similar to peanut butter. My boyfriend has a very severe peanut allergy which we made very clear when we sat down and double checked to make sure they didn t fry their food in peanut oil. We called the waitress over ( I forget her name, but bless her heart) to clarify why exactly it tasted like peanut butter. Turns out some new employee in the back decided it was okay to substitute their monkey butter ice cream when they ran out of vanilla. NOT OKAY ESPECIALLY WHEN PEOPLE CAN DIE FROM PEANUTS!! The waitress came back and immediately apologized, went to get the manager, who proceeded to avoid all eye contact with us until I physically stopped him as he walked by. Without talking to us he comped the dessert and my boyfriend s dinner. How about you comp the EPIPEN AND ER VISIT that resulted?! When I stopped him he apologized and said that he has a cat allergy so he understands . Really?!? HE DID NOT grasp the severity of what a food allergy can do besides making you a little sneezy and itchy- ANAPHYLAXIS and DEATH, for starters. PLEASE for the safety of others (and to avoid a lawsuit from potentially killing someone) TRAIN YOUR STAFF HOW TO BE SAFE WITH FOOD AND FOOD ALLERGIES!! You are playing with LIVES when the kitchen staff do not communicate food swaps!


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