4 years ago

We know your not in the customer service business....

We know your not in the customer service business. Thats obvious. Pick up a phone. If you can not. Establish a Web site that offers complete info for all services. (WOULDN'T IT BE NICE FOR WEBER COUNTY NOT TO BE KNOWN AMONG ALL AS THE WORST SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT AMONG NEIGHBORING COUNTY'S ) Stop treating your citizens like uneducated indigent people, so others will stop looking at our county as a group of uneducated indigent citizens. Some communication, manors, and better attitude would go a long ways to improve public relation thus improving moraliy in the community. It should be heavly noted providing info to imates as well as there loved ones should be as important as providing info to others seeking other service information. Jail should not act as Guantanamo bay last time, I checked. This is one of the most complained about services you offer. The lack of information on your Web site is a concern for all involved in the circumstance. People in jail, people who have loved ones in jail are humans too. They are asking for info not exceptions, freedom, ect... Information! Would like to have to do something new with little to no direction? Would you like to be treated with rude manors when asking for directions? It's not all bad, but major improvement is needed.


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