Ajlan Haidara

3 years ago

I am 11 years old and It was amazing at the spca b...

I am 11 years old and It was amazing at the spca because there was dogs and they seemed to be happy and well treated and actually that place was where I got my first dog it was a pitbull that had white spots she was 10 months and I think her name was Jenny I do not remember because me and my family changed her name to dareen. But then someone found out me and my family had a dog and told my landlord and then sadly my landlord did not allow dogs unless my mom payed 300$ extra to the landlord whenever she handed in the rent. My mom did not have a lot of money because she divorced with my dad but I still visit my dad just I don t get to see him as much as I used to. So now my mom works at UB to become a nurse so she can have money to take care of me and my three sisters. But since my mom does not have a lot of money she was not able to give 300$ extra whenever she handed in the rent. So then me and my family had to go back to the spca and ruturn my dog dareen and I was so so so so so so so so soooo sad. So then me and my family asked if the person who adopts dareen if me and my family could visit dareen and they said no. So to this day I miss dareen so much and I wish I could see her. So please whoever is reading this pleeese spred what I am saying and send it all over the world so people could help me some how see my used to be dog. P.S But I still say she is my dog to myself because I still want my dog to be in my heart.


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