Nills Despeches
Review of Isart Digital

4 years ago

Voluntary manipulation of teachers towards student...

Voluntary manipulation of teachers towards students.
Voluntary social division during the arrangement of classes (separated couples, friends separated voluntarily, with or without bad behavior).
No partnership that the school has sold on the site or at the open doors will be useful, you will seek an internship as an unpaid designer to be able to spend the year.
If you do not have the means do not count on weeks OFF to be able to work, without free internship you will not pass.
Participation of teachers in a social division, preferring to interact exclusively with certain students who are closer to them and leaving out pupils in difficulty.
Apparently a BDE exists.
Speakers underpaid and sometimes brighter than teachers.
The teachers are also recruited without skills, pistonnage, or former graduates and freshly become teachers without experience.
Isart DIGITAL is not a school but a business.
If you have late payment on a semester they refuse to give you your notes. Besides, we have the notes at the end of the semester (??)
Teachers contradictory, give instructions and in a final oral reproach the instructions that were followed, without questioning, because they are "Profs" (or boosted jsais not).
Toxic general mentality, the faculty maintains the culture of jealousy, expressly put forward certain pupils in front of others.
Worse still, some teachers take the worst jobs to post in front of everyone in bad example in a harmful way.
The material in class is failing, for the price we pay we have to fight to have a basket at the back of the class and the projectors do not work, the air conditioning also still has problems.
Favoritism and lack of professionalism, some teachers make fun of other students with students, serious.
Emotional blackmail, professor handling emotionally I mention "if I were your father, I would not have let you do that" or "if you leave school it's a suicide for your career".
Commercial will to keep students at all costs even those who do not have the level, but when a person has more money is left violently (I could see 4-5 cases of this kind during my schooling )
Voluntary Social Handling by Teachers: Speak to a student advising them not to stay with their friend, talk with the other student advising them to hang on to succeed.
I have forgotten a lot like the selective closing of eyes on plagiarism, between the "" "promo" major "" who are shifting their projects, others who have it done by third parties without sanctions.
Toxicity in students favoring friendship towards popularity due to teacher behavior.
Ignorance of teachers to students in difficulty, and if we force a little to shake them, agree with you and disappear again without helping you (moral difficulties, academic, financial ...)
ref, Isart DIGITAL is not a school, it is a sandbox filled with artists who need to fill their ego by being able to consider themselves a teacher and giving themselves the right to break novices and beginners who wish to learn .
No, it is not supposed to be blood and tears.
No, we do not recruit a young graduate to become a teacher in a graduate school.
No we do not pay its stakeholders.
And NO, we do not break the morale of students because we find it still fun after 40 years, move on.
Oh, and for the curious parents or future students, knowingly, the positive opinions are opinions written by students interested mainly by the good will of the teachers, I had put a also following an underlying demand of 'a teacher.


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