Richard C

4 years ago

My Dad was bitten by something, possibly a spider ...

My Dad was bitten by something, possibly a spider of some kind or tick infected with Lyme disease. Anyway, he has a small hole in the back of his leg surrounded by dead flesh, His entire leg is so swollen, weak and painful that his blood pressure is 192 / 107. He cant walk and no longer has control of his bladder, he believes that is a result of the pain he is in. My brother took him to the emergency room there at the VA, the Doctor ( I wish I knew his name ) and I am using this term very loosely gave my Dad a shot for blood pressure and sent him back home. He did request for a Lyme disease test, but the Dr. said it would most likely be kicked back because the tests are very expensive. The Dr. said when that happens there is nothing else he can do. I am also a veteran, and I stopped going to the VA because of BS like this. The specialists don't want to do anything for anybody. I ended up getting my Back Surgery done at Largo Medical Center, those people are a god send compared to the VA. The VA specialists act like your a nobody, treat you like a nobody who's just trying to get something for free. I don't see how these people can live with themselves. I'm trying to talk my Dad into forgetting about the VA and go to a real emergency room. I am also going to contact some of our local Politicians, they're always coming to my job and taking tours anyway so that will be easy enough.


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