Brandi Chafins

3 years ago

I do not exaggerate when I say that Dr Hurlock sav...

I do not exaggerate when I say that Dr Hurlock saved my life. Anyone who has been told by numerous doctors that NOTHING is wrong with you, when you are sleeping 14hrs+ per night, joint pain, swelling, gaining weight like crazy, experiencing hair loss, having to stop to nap beside the road on even short drives (yes, that really happened to me), and SOOO much more, PLEASE KEEP READING.

I spent years in agony. I honestly don't know how many doctors I saw. Every single one came back with the same answer, "I can't find anything wrong... maybe you should try exercising more, eating less and losing weight". Exercise and eat less?! I was BARELY eating and drinking (I was never hungry), and exercise?! I could barely stay awake at work (with the help of stick pins that I'd poke into my thigh, I managed to get by for a few months before I could no longer work.)

I was about to completely give up. I didn't have a life. I couldn't stay awake or be pain free enough to enjoy life. I was ready to die to be perfectly honest. One day, something in me told me to look farther away (even though the doctors I had been seeing weren't exactly close either). I googled for hours and finally ran across Dr Hurlock's website. It was the first inkling of hope I had felt in a long time. I told my family that I knew it was a long drive (9 hours!!) but I couldn't go on unless I got help and Dr Hurlock seemed to be the person who could give me that help.


As soon as I started telling Dr Hurlock my numerous symptoms she said, "You have ALL the symptoms of Hypothyroidism. I'm going to help you feel like yourself again". She prescribed Armour Thyroid, and not even kidding, within a week I felt like I was living again. As time went on, I felt better and better until it was like I was BETTER than the old me. I was able to go back to work, clean my house, STAND UP AND SHOWER, go a WHOLE day without a nap!! I was able to lose weight for the first time in... I have no idea how long actually, meanwhile I was eating MORE because I actually had an appetite again. My hair has grown back. I no longer ache and swell, and I sleep 7-8hrs every night, like an actual normal person again lol.

I'm begging you. If this sounds ANYTHING like you, please do whatever you can to see Dr Hurlock. You can have your life back.


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