Paul Whiteley

4 years ago

Appalling treatment of people with disabilities an...

Appalling treatment of people with disabilities and the siting of the regimental beer tents on loose stones, anybody with any common sense would have sited these tents on a tarmac surface so that any wheel chair user would have easy access to the toilet or the bar area but hey, that's about right, your not a person with disabilities your a cash machine to be fleeced, it's all about the money not your individual needs, l hope the organisation really reads this and actually puts in place a plan of action to correct this appalling error, I'm a lucky one, l have no disabilities.
Here's hoping that the military see sense and try different venues starting with Wembley stadium one year, then Cardiff and Edinburgh in following years or are they still to closely attached to the old boys network of the chaps that run the English rugby union, remember it's not an English Army or English Navy it's the British armed forces ( see, the clues in the name)


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