Camila Pabon

3 years ago

Brought my dog on a friday night at 9pm because he...

Brought my dog on a friday night at 9pm because he would not stop vomiting or panting. They did blood work, x rays and he had to stay overnight. The next morning I had to call twice because I had not heard back from anybody (once at 8am and then at 10am after the doctors had finished their rounds ). The person who answered the phone would not even tell me if he was okay, all she said was that at some point somebody would call me with an update. At 11:30am the doctor called saying that my dog was doing better and that he could possibly be discharged in the afternoon. I called again at 2pm because they had not called me. I was told that the doctor would need to call me with update. At around 3-3:30pm the doctor called saying that my dog could go home under trial to see how he would do at home but if we wanted to be certain an ultrasound was needed. I was very confused on why this was now needed at this point when the night before I was told either x rays or an ultrasound would need to be done in the morning to assess the illness. Why wasnt the ultrasound done earlier instead of repeating x rays without asking for my approval? I asked the doctor why instead of doing this early on they waited until almost 4pm on a Saturday to find a technician to do the ultrasound and all she said it was up to me. (The night before they told me the ultrasound would need to be done in the morning because it was hard to find a tech during the weekend). At 4:30pm the doctor called to inform us that there was nothing wrong with the ultrasound and we could pick him up. This situation is very unfortunate and I truly feel like it could have been handled differently. If you are like us, our pet is like a child to us and when your pet is sick you do anything to make them feel better and find out what is causing the illness but this center completely took advantage of the situation. I do not understand why they did two sets of x rays if the first ones didnt show anything. Our Vet called and he was told our dog was fine and they didnt mention to him that they would recommend an ultrasound. When your dog is so sick and you get a call recommending a procedure of course you will agree, that is just human nature. At the end of the day we ended up picking up our dog, paying $2100 and still not have a definite answer on what caused his illness or on why they took the same x rays twice and wasted all this time. Due to COVID they would not let anybody in, you have to wait in the car for your pet. During these times and whenever you visit any doctor including pediatricians, one healthy parent is allowed to be there. This really makes me wonder what was going on in there. At the end of the day its not about how much the bill was is how there was no diagnosis, the night he was hospitalized they said it was an issue with his small intestine... but a day after there is nothing wrong? I cannot help but wonder if this was even the right diagnosis.
I feel deceived and so worried that my dog is home and we still don t know what is wrong with him. It looks like this place just wants to get every dollar they can get from you but theres no care for your pet or for you.
There are other ERs in CT and I will rather drive to them instead of visiting this center again.


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