11 months ago


Completely agree with the other reviews, yet I was referred by the Volunteer Legal Project of CNY, also less than one star, "they only listen," I was told by that attorney who finally called me out of the Blue. I called, not only incredibly rude and assuming, but also lied, "we don't have a category for litigating tax attorneys," yes, I have called there previously, and told the Volunteer Legal Project attorney (who told me he thinks all the attorneys in CNY are good and ethical, which I snuffed at and eventually hung up on him). No wonder Climate Change and other serious issues the US population most deal with aren't addressed, there is no legal system beholden to anyone other than some basically illegal and fundamentally illegitimate people. I stay alive to spite such people, that make a mockery of the law or the intent of the law.
This woman was incredibly insinuating about me... indeed, I have contacted their office in the past, about very serious matters, as I was recovering from fraudulent medical mistreatments. Presumably, she considers me an aberration or "crazy," I assure you, I am not, and I intend to follow through on her insinuations and misconduct in my regard.


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