3 years ago


MANGE!!! POTENTIAL ADOPTERS BEWARE! Fox Valley Humane Association is infested with multiple parasites! October 2017: I adopted a pup that had been diagnosed and treated for Coccidia two weeks before I rescued her. According to the chart they gave me, which included other shelter dogs, she was not the only one infested. Dogs can get this parasite from having any contact with an infected dog's feces.. But then, after bringing her home and noticing multiple bald patches emerging over the weeks, I bring her to my vet only to find out she's also infested with demodectic MANGE! And again, she was not the only one. A friend's colleague from work adopted a pup, same location, about same time as I did, her pup was also confirmed to have a proliferation of demodex mites as well. FVHA is extremely unsanitary and is haphazardly putting the animals (and adopters) at risk for infestations and infections! Clearly, their vets are not performing adequate examinations [if any] of the animals before sending them out to be seen and handled by potential adopters. Each person who comes in contact with these pets is being exposed to these conditions as well. I can't even think about how many unsuspecting parents and children are being exposed to this on a daily basis.. Personally, I find this very upsetting that a thorough examination isn't being given due to the fact it's supposedly "included" in the pricey adoption fee. So, including the medication, my vet bills were equally as much as that adoption fee that stated the dog was examined and perfectly healthy. It's such a scam!!

Update 05/03/18 :

On April 23, my pup saw the vet again for review of her demodex condition. It was slightly resistant to the first treatment and now both she and my older dog are having to be treated for the next few months to clear up any remaining eggs.. It feels like a never-ending nightmare, all because we wanted to add another loved member to our family. I loathe the Fox Valley Humane Association for their extreme negligence, and for the suffering and uncomfortableness they've caused to both of my pets. I had even contacted the supervisor after the first diagnosis, I gave her my vet's information to confirm, and she told me they are REFUSING to help with any of the vet bills, medication costs, or to reimburse the $400 adoption fee. They refused even though we were not the only adopters who complained of our pet contracting a demodex infestation from that SAME LOCATION! All they care about is getting your money and snapping a quick pic for their website, they care nothing about the animal's actual health and wellbeing. I'll continue to warn people against them for as long as the business remains. What an absolutely disgusting excuse for an animal shelter!! It's bordering on animal abuse. Horrific.


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