Sten Engel
Review of Yourhosting

3 years ago

Hello Yourhosting,

Hello Yourhosting,

I would like to express my displeasure with the help after you had problems with your server last week.

I can't possibly receive email, nothing for a week now. all week I tried to get this to work via the data presented in the hosting manager, also nothing at all. contacted several times to this was the answer we can schedule a call appointment for you '' but not in the evening '' how do I do that when I am on a customer visit during the day. Thursday 11-06-2020 agenda emptied 09:00 call appointment Yourhosting. no Yourhosting because Vodafone has a malfunction "" we can fly to the moon nowadays, but if Vodafone has a malfunction Yourhosting is also down and the response of Stephanie customer service Yourhosting "" we go and we can not call "". I'm so upset with this way of doing + that I still don't receive emails.

What a way of dealing with your customers. No contact other than through a window, so problems return to the customer and when the customer reports again "just the same answer again" it is your problem and not ours. how would you experience this yourself?

Greetings Sten Engel
Engel Industry


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