3 years ago

The American Embassy in Paris, France is above all...

The American Embassy in Paris, France is above all a testament to the little faith that our country puts into its own citizens. Our own nation has no confidence in its own citizens - therefore very few Embassy employees are American. They are all mostly French, whether of either European or Maghrebin origin. This proclaims to the world that Americans are so useless and incompetent that our own government prefers to hire foreignerd in even the hightly secure areas of its operations: its foreign embassies.

It would be nice to meet with a real, down to earth American when you are on foreign soil. Instead you are presented this rarefied, pretentious facade of of unsympathetic foreigners. No one cares about you at all unless you are a quite wealthy or representing an important financial entity such as an important corporation. Money and prestige is all that matters.

This embassy is a testament to America's betrayal of her own people. Whenever I go to the embassy of any other nation besides our own, I am constantly confronted by people who are citizens of said nation. In the embassies of other nations, the governmental employees always present a united front. In the embassies of other nations, the governmental employees always reflect the values and character of the associated nation. They can even be quite rejecting and hostile. When I had to go to the French Embassy in New York City, I met only extremely hostile, unsympathetic and un-indulgent FRENCH CITIZENS who were and are perfectly fluent in French.
Behold! When you go to our own corresponding embassy in Paris you will once again only meet with mostly FRENCH CITIZENS who are also extremely hostile, unsympathetic and un-indulgent. They just happen to have a green card. When will being American actually mean something to our government.

When will we begin to be valorized and honored by our own nation at home and in the world? Does our own nation see us as country bumpkins who are unworthy to represent America?

I am a multilingual American with the right to work in France, extremely competent but my own country prefers to hire a hostile; ironic, supercilious French woman instead of hiring an ordinary American. This auto flagellation, self-abnegation and belittlement presages poorly for our future as the first of First World Nation.


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