Amy Appleberry

4 years ago

BEWARE!! We were warned by MULTIPLE people who had...

BEWARE!! We were warned by MULTIPLE people who had similar experiences to go with a different provider, but my father n law had been with them for 15+ years he was against changing. The previous years he wasn't sick though. They had been doing light cleaning and grocery shopping. Once he was diagnosed terminal the game changed. From the second hospice got involved things got weird and wrong! They immediately started talking to us and him like he was on his death bed and not in mental control enough to make his own decisions so we would drive the 1+ hr. drive, emotionally wraught because we expected him to be what they said only to have him walk out the front door and meet us at our vehicle. (That was the first time). So we stayed into the night with him talking and reminiscing and us completely confused as to why they would call and say those things when he was obviously fine. from then it just got worse. My husband, who his father had given power of attorney to, recieved an afternoon call that he had made the decision to go into a home due to needing 24hr care and us being so far away. We were told they had him going into a very nice spacious home that was newly remodeled yada yada. when we showed up to take him he was very strange acting and quite I thought he'd given up, then we checked him into an old, musty, dreary home where he had the corner of a small shared room. We couldnt take it and the next morning went and took him out of that place and moved him in with us which he thanked me every day for. During the time he was with us I never observed any of the things his nurse from before had repeatedly said. Oh, plus during the nursing home check in it came out that his nurse had taken my husband off as power of attorney and the HIIPA which doesn't seem legal. Also my father n law told us he was never told about the nursing home until the morning we moved him and that the nurse had come over dosed him with liquid adivan and xanex and told him right before we got there. that's why he wasn't fighting against it! The nurses he had at our home in branson never forced that medicine on him like the one in springfield. either. We had a trip with our 14 year old that had been previously planned so we took him to stay for 3 days with a friend of his from his old apartment. For some reason the nurse he had before ended up there on the day we were picking him up. they asked the friend to let them talk to him alone and when she got back the power of attorney had been switched from my husband and they were taking him back to that same home. My husband and I called repeatedly trying to find where he was at only to get the run around and talked to with disrespect. My father in law was weak but in decent physical health and still in strong mind and within 7 days of being kidnapped and hidden he passed. Noone bothered to call until the funeral director saw my husband listed as next of kin 2 days after the fact! in his personal items his checkbook pocketknife and glasses were all misplaced or stolen. At this point it doesnt matter. Nothing will ever convince me there was not something dirty going on behind the scenes with the nurse at least. I would like to know if the money that this company takes from people after their dead gets split into bonuses or do they use that for incentives? The only other idea that makes sense is that the nurse is a serial killer which sounds crazy but it does happen!


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